宝宝出生后,医生或者midwife填写完成 Constat de naissance (attestation of birth),如图
医疗机构或出生中心的工作人员将为您提供证明的副本,并将原件发送给 Directeur de l'état civil 。
2. 申报
(1) 填写纸质申报单:
Paper declaration of birth
If you choose not to use the online service to declare the birth of your child, you must complete the paper declaration of birth provided by the staff at the health institution or birth centre.
It is preferable to leave the completed and signed declaration with the staff at the health institution or birth centre before your departure. The staff will see that it is forwarded to the Directeur de l’état civil with the attestation of birth.
如果你选择纸质申请,申报单必须由医疗机构或生产中心的工作人员提供,同时建议在离开生产中心前把表格填好并签字,工作人员会确认你的申报是连同出生纸一并寄往Directeur de l’état civil
1.An individual with a valid Canadian passport: 持有有效加拿大护照的人
2.Any individual who is a practising member of one of the following professions and who has known you for at least two years:Guarantors who are members of one of the following professional groups must be practising at the time they complete the passport application. 从事以下职业并认识你两年以上
Medical Doctor
Dean/Head of a university
Police Officer
Signing officer of a bank or a financial institution that offers a complete range of banking services (savings, deposits, withdrawals).
邮寄地址: Government of Canada Passport Program Gatineau QC K1A 0G3 Canada
如果使用快递邮寄: Government of Canada Passport Program 22 de Varennes Street Gatineau QC J8T 8R1 Canada