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摘要:美国和加拿大正在携手努力,鼓励新一代宇航员。两国间的空间探索合作在美国航空航天局(NASA)于1958年成立后不久就开始了。加拿大的航天努力包括派宇航员参与NASA的航天使命,并为国际空间站(International Space ... ...


两国间的空间探索合作在美国航空航天局(NASA)于1958年成立后不久就开始了。加拿大的航天努力包括派宇航员参与NASA的航天使命,并为国际空间站(International Space Station)提供技术。

加拿大在为航天飞机计划提供机械臂长达30年后,于2019年成为NASA的月球门户(Lunar Gateway)空间站项目的第一个国际伙伴。这个小型空间站一旦建成,将绕月球轨道运行,为今后的空间研究——包括火星研究——收集科学信息。加拿大最新型的机械臂Canadarm3以及机械手Dextre将最大限度地减少危险的太空行走。

美国航空航天局局长吉姆·布里登斯廷(Jim Bridenstine)表示:“加拿大在太空机器人能力方面引领世界,能够对哈勃太空望远镜(Hubble Space Telescope)进行关键性维修,并建造国际空间站。”

加拿大宇航员杰里米·汉森(Jeremy Hansen)和一名有志成为宇航员的儿童在加拿大渥太华的登月50周年纪念活动上(State Dept./Mariah MacKeigan)


美国外交人员正在同NASA、加拿大航天局(Canadian Space Agency)和加拿大教育机构共同努力,为学生们提供与空间探索有关的实际操作经验。

在2019年纪念阿波罗11号(Apollo 11)登月50周年期间,外交人员同加拿大的博物馆和科学中心合作,举办同科学、技术、工程和数学(STEM)教育有关的活动。

美国和加拿大的中小学学生、航天产业代表以及政府有关人士同指挥过国际空间站的德鲁·福斯特尔(Drew Feustel)见面。大学生们则同美国航空航天局局长布里登斯廷共同参加了在渥太华(Ottawa)举办的一个人工智能和机器人项目。

2020年暑假,NASA国际实习(NASA I²)项目将邀请加拿大大学生参与竞争NASA在全美各个设施的实习机会。

加拿大航天局局长西尔万·拉波特(Sylvain Laporte)在谈到美国与加拿大长期的航天伙伴合作关系时说,这是“两国如何能够成功地协作的一个非常、非常好的例证”。


The U.S. and Canada: Partners in space

The United States and Canada are joining forces to encourage a new generation of astronauts.

The two countries have cooperated on space exploration since soon after NASA, the U.S. space agency, was founded in 1958. Canada sends astronauts on NASA space missions, and it supplies technology for the International Space Station, among other space efforts.

After providing a robotic arm that served the space shuttle program for 30 years, in 2019 Canada became the first international partner of NASA’s Lunar Gateway space station project. Once built, the small space station will orbit the moon gathering scientific information for future space research — including Mars. Canada’s newest robotic arm, Canadarm3, and robotic hand, Dextre, will minimize dangerous spacewalks.

“Canada leads the world in space-based robotic capabilities, enabling critical repairs to the Hubble Space Telescope and construction of the International Space Station,” NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said.

Canadian Space Agency astronaut Jeremy Hansen and an aspiring astronaut celebrate the 50th lunar landing anniversary in Ottawa, Canada. (State Dept./Mariah MacKeigan)

Finding future astronauts

American diplomats are working with NASA, the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and Canadian educational institutions to give students hands-on experiences that relate to space exploration.

During the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 lunar landing in 2019, the diplomats worked with Canadian museums and science centers to hold events related to science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education.

American and Canadian schoolchildren, space industry representatives and government contacts spoke with American-Canadian astronaut Drew Feustel, who commanded the International Space Station. And university students participated in an artificial intelligence and robotics program in Ottawa with NASA Administrator Bridenstine.

In summer 2020, the NASA International Internship (NASA I²) project will invite Canadian university students to compete for internships at NASA facilities across the United States.

CSA president Sylvain Laporte points to the longtime U.S.-Canada space partnership as “a very, very good illustration of how two countries can collaborate successfully.”

“We are thrilled to work with Canada … on our future on the lunar surface and deep space,” Bridenstine wrote in a blog post.





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