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摘要:请接洽北京师大明德教诲施老师电话:010-57514690QQ:89681217 wechat:Billionteachers好消息!北京师大明德文化发展中央免费为中小学提供外籍西席,资助学校构建特色课程体系,建立学校品牌,缔结国际姊妹学校, ... ...

请接洽北京师大明德教诲施老师电话:010-57514690QQ:89681217 wechat:Billionteachers好消息!北京师大明德文化发展中央免费为中小学提供外籍西席,资助学校构建特色课程体系,建立学校品牌,缔结国际姊妹学校,助力学校国际化发展.


Tamer Osman


Personal Profile

Canadian, multi-skilled, deadline-oriented ,perpetually upgrading ,innovative,seasoned, meticulous, and professional ESL / FSL teacher & writer,translator & proofreader

Language Skills

English,French,Arabic,Spanish &German

Key Skills


Language Tools :CAST(San Diego University)/CLEAR (Michigan University)/Bilingual Language Profile + eComma(University of Texas)/TELL Assessment Research and Proficiency Assessment Tools (National Heritage Language Resource Center) /ANVILL +CAP/DATs +MOSAIC+STAMP(University of Oregon)/Vocabulary Trainer


TranslationTools:Matecat/TerminoTrad/PerfectIt/TERMIUM Plus/The Language Portal of Canada/Diatopix/DES/Word Net/Linguee/WTO Term/UN Term/TransiTerm/IATE/Terminonaute/HMTP/

France Terme /FAOTERM/Academic/Lexilogos/Visuwords /Visual Dictionary

Current Employment


United Nations Volunteer Translator for PEOI (Educational)Program                    



*Translating academic curriculum materials in different fields (financial, legal, etc…) for various regions of the world

*Assessing and translating a range of services such as testing models and grading modes to keep them updated 


*Contributing in extending the benefit of online education to those who have been deprived of access to education because of location, time constraints and/or lack of income

*Participating in PEOI Program activities through diffusing educational technologies to learners in the developing countries


European Commission Blogger (Volunteer)       



*Writing about education in the European Union Countries

*Tackling the role of the European Union in enhancing the education systems in the developing countries



*Targeting the most critical pedagogical issues that the developing countries envisage 


British Council Blogger (Volunteer)                                                    



*Writing about the most salient issues in ELT(English Language Teaching) on monthly basis


*Addressing the most intricate problems that the EL/EFL teachers suffer from

*Displaying the language skills issues and how to treat them 

*Broaching future teaching visions


MERLOT California University (Multimedia Education Resource for Learning and Teaching) Reviewer [Volunteer]            



*Assessing the quality of the contents of the educational materials presented to MERLOT

*Specifying the educational materials homologizing to the academic potentials of the students

*Proofreading the contexts and suggesting syntactic ameliorations 


Teaching Experience

I)English Language Instructor &Trainer (Tripoli, Libya) in two workplaces                                  

a) Atlas Group Educational Center (Canadian-Libyan Partnership)                          



Teaching general English and business English to adults 


Teaching general English to St. James Hospital administration employees (American Contract)


b)Centre intenational des langues et de la technologie                                          


(i)ELT ( English Language Teaching) Experience:

lThe Ministry of Labor and Professional Training of the Interim Libyan Government Contract


*Providing linguistic training to the Libyan jobseekers sent from the Ministry of Labor and Professional Training of the Interim Libyan Government to make them 

get qualified to work in the Libyan governmental authorities

*Making up Pre-Examinations and Final Examinations for the trainees that are commensurate with the academic standards set by the Libyan Ministry of 

Labor and Professional Training

*Correcting the examinations and setting the final grades


*Participating in conducting the graduation ceremony of the trainees sent by the Libyan Ministry of Labor and Professional Training in December 2013

lGeneral English Courses


*Teaching general English courses using the American teaching methodology represented in American English File Curriculum with some groups and the British

 teaching methodology represented in New Headway Curriculum with other groups

*Making English placement tests for the applicants applying for general English courses.


*Succeeding in teaching novice and intermediate English levels

lBusiness English Course:


*Teaching business English using 101 Ways to Write in Business English Coursebook

*Teaching businesspeople with commercial backgrounds.


*Discovering what the learners desired to achieve

*Shaping clear ideas about the contexts in which the learners use English

*Choosing the materials wisely ,as they are commensurate with the learners’ English levels

*Being flexible and attempting to anticipate problems from the learners 

(ii) FLT ( French Language Teaching) Experience:


*Teaching general French courses using ‘Vitesse’ curriculum coursebook which is based on the European Union educational standards

*Assisting the learners in indulging themselves into the European French and the North American French cultures via videos, movies , plays ,etc...

*Scheduling language laboratory hours where the learners can practice listening to and speaking French.


*Managing to make up assignments and tests that accede to the learners’ linguistic levels and comply with the European Union language test standards

*Succeeding in making the learners discriminate between the French sounds and the English sounds ,since the learners stumbled in pronouncing the French sounds correctly

II)Language Teaching Assistant                                                        


Concordia University (Department of Classics, Modern Languages &Linguistics) Montreal/Canada                          


*Assisting in teaching and proctoring examinations

*Meeting with the instructors to assist in grading the students' assignments and to complete required grade-related papers

*Notifying the instructors of the academic problems of the students


*Returning assignments to the students in accordance with established deadlines

*Scheduling and maintaining regular office hours to meet with students                                                  

*Providing students with assistance in using language audiovisual equipment

*Leading discussion sections, tutorials, and laboratory activities

III)ESL & FSL Instructor (English & French as Second Languages) 

a) Sabeel Education (Montreal/Canada)                                                 



*Teaching students effectively in assigned classes and dedicating office hours for student consultation in accordance with schedules agreed upon with my immediate supervisor

*Providing students with written course syllabi including the items specified by the institution

*Participating in the evaluation of the instructional process and employing innovative strategies to continually improve the process of the students’ learning 

*Utilizing technology to facilitate the learning process for students and accessing education-related data, maintaining academic progress records, generating academic performance reports and cooperating with the other administration staff


*Participating in developing and supporting the students’ academic levels by recommending extracurricular activities and materials 

*Gaining knowledge of diverse communities and learning styles and enabling cultural communities to assimilate into modern instructional learning styles


b) Go Canada for Academic & Immigration Services (Montreal/Canada)                     



*Employing diagnostic tests and placement tests to properly assign the students to the classes corresponding to their linguistic levels

*Identifying the needs and abilities of the students, especially the under-prepared and disabled students

*Adapting instructional techniques to accommodate varied learning styles and abilities

*Adopting innovative teaching methods, instructional design and assessment strategies

*Availing myself of alternative educational delivery systems and instructional technologies to engage students in the learning process                                                                   


*Supporting positive settlement outcomes for newly arrived immigrants into Canada in the areas of education,employment and community participation

*Succeeding in assisting the refugees resorting to Canada in overcoming their linguistic barriers

COL( Commonwealth of Learning) TESOL Consultant (2015)


*Organizing various committees, workshops, and conferences to promote intellectual welfare of the ESL /EFL learners 

*Discussing ESL /EFL issues with the TESL/TEFL specialists and understand the basic problems related to ELT

*Providing recommendations on ESL/EFL/curricula and materials to educational institutions 

*Advising ESL /EFL teaching staff about the ESL/EFL curriculum development and use of material and equipment  

*Designing ESL/EFL tests to measure the effectiveness of the ESL/EFL curricula and ensuring that the COL recommendations are considered

*Developing ESL /EFL instructional materials that are to be used by English instructors and educators  


*Evolving excellent analytic thinking and an ability to utilize logic to handle ESL/EFL issues

Professional Accomplishments


Working as a volunteer blogger:


IATEFL Liverpool (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language)Conference             


IATEFL Manchester Conference                                                                                     


Coverage of these two conferences on: (http://languageslavie.blogspot.com)                



Cambridge English Teacher Step Conference                                          

2013 & 2015

My Lesson Plan Designs:

* British Council: Lesson Plan of a Conversation Class :The Environment (High Intermediate +Advanced Levels)           


* TESOL International Association: Lesson plan of a Grammar Class:Present Perfect Tense vs. Past Simple (Intermediate Levels)         


*University of Oregon,ObaVerse:Lesson Plan of a Conversation Class: Liberty (High Intermediate +Advanced Levels)       


My Course Design:

*Catalysts for Scientific English-French Translation, published on Udemy website,                                      


My Contributions

1-Urban Dictionary                                                                  



2-UNESCO Implementing the OER Paris Declaration                                      

June 2015                                                                


3-UNESCO World Book and Copyright Day                                             

April 2015 

4- Proofreader and Reviewer at the Peer Tutoring Conference 2015 ,University of Hamburg, Germany: 


*Proofreading the English language of the scripts and the abstracts of the conference presenters

*Reviewing the quality of the abstract contents and reasoning my decision-making about the best candidates who would attend the Conference    


5-Encyclopedia Britannica Project (Word to Expand Our Vocabularies)                          



6-The English Project:(fostered by University of Winchester, UK)                                


My Authorial Topic:[ The Problems of the French Speakers when They Use Capitalization and Periods in English]                                                                                 

7-France Terme (France Government’s Frenchization of the English Words Project)                


8- IELTS Materials: Open University ,Language Open Resource Centre ,                         


9-Quora Digest : A set of literary articles                                                

2013/ 2014 

10-Commonwealth of Learning (ORLET: Open Resources for English Language Teaching) :         


Grammar is a Painkiller Not a Pain Threshold ( This resource is dedicated for ESL /EFL teachers) 

11- Teachers Without Borders (Published: Teaching Grammar is not Byzantine )                    


12-Cambridge English Teacher Development Tracker: Expert                               

July 2015

My Publications


1-English Skills in Tables , Registered in U.S.A , ISBN ( 978 00002 49098)


2-English Teaching for Arabic ESL /EFL Teachers, Registered and copy kept at Library of Congress 

Library of Congress Control Number ( LCCN : 2015909186), ISBN from US.A.(978 9876 543217)


3-Crystallize the English-French Scientific Translation ,accredited by and a copy is kept at the UNESCO World Library of Science

4-English-French Internet Terminology Reservoir, ISBN (9781234567897) from U.S.A

Accredited and Published in Translation Journal, Illinois ,U.S.A

Published at World Public Library, Hawaii,U.S.A


5- L’anglais pour les français ,( English for the French), EAN(1234567891019) obtained from Europe

Donated a copy to (Bibliothèque nationale de la France) [ National Library of France)

Other Experiences from Montreal ,Canada


Prolang Teaching French to English-speaking businesspeople (2006)

Excelangue Teaching English to French-speaking business people

Teaching English to French-speaking businesspeople

Teaching English & French to children/adolescents(2005-2006)

YMCA Teaching English to children(2005)

Vienna Academy Teaching English(Adults:Advanced & Intermediate levels)(2004)


Principle Academic Degrees:

*Postgraduate Diploma (Masters) in English-French Translation,Concordia University,Montreal,Canada 

* B.A. in English Literature,Government of Quebec

*Teaching English as a Second Language Certificate, L'Académie linguistique internationale,Montreal,Canada

*Professional Diploma in English-Arabic translation,American University in Cairo &Arab Academy for Science&Technology

*(TGA) French-Arabic Translation Certificate, French Embassy

*Language Stimulation Strategies Certificate, TAV College,Montreal,Canada

Courses where (English) is the Language Instruction of the Classes:

*E-Learning and Digital Cultures, University of Edinburgh,UK

*Rhetorical Composing Course, Ohio University,USA

*How to Teach IELTS Course,Cambridge University,UK

*Passage Rating Workshop from San Diego University, USA

*CAST (Computer-Assisted Screening Tool) Language Rating Workshop, San Diego University, USA

*Foundations of Virtual Instruction,University of California,USA

*Corpus Linguistics: Method, Analysis,Interpretation,Lancaster University, UK

*How to Read a Mind,University of Nottingham , UK

*The Practice of Adapting ,Teaching ,and Creating OER Worship (CPE from University of Texas at Austin),USA

*University Teaching , John Hopkins University , USA

*Cambridge English Grammar:Language Awareness ,Cambridge University ,UK

*Cambridge English Teaching Challenges Record of Achievement , Cambridge University ,UK

*SDL Academy Translation Professional Development Program, UK

British Council CPD

*One-week CPD Workshops in November 2014:

1-Watch, Learn, Practice:Video Based CPD and Collaboration  

2-Teacher Research as CPD in Practice  

3-What Lies Beyond?CPD with Lasting Impact 

4-CPD that Works

5-Innovation in English Language ( General Lecture) 

*Using Authentic Materials with ESOL Learners 

*Developing Written Accuracy with ESOL Learners :Principles and Approaches





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