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摘要:WhenPaulJobswasmusteredoutoftheCoastGuardafterWorldWarII,hemadeawagerwithhiscrewmates.TheyhadarrivedinSanFrancisco,wheretheirshipwasdecommissioned,andPaulbetthathewouldfindhimselfawifewithintwoweeks.H ... ...

When Paul Jobs was mustered out of the Coast Guard after World War II, he made a wager with his crewmates. They had arrived in San Francisco, where their ship was decommissioned, and Paul bet that he would find himself a wife within two weeks. He was a taut, tattooed engine mechanic, six feet tall, with a passing resemblance to James Dean. But it wasn’t his looks that got him a date with Clara Hagopian, a sweet-humored daughter of Armenian immigrants. It was the fact that he and his friends had a car, unlike the group she had originally planned to go out with that evening. Ten days later, in March 1946, Paul got engaged to Clara and won his wager. It would turn out to be a happy marriage, one that lasted until death parted them more than forty years later. 这声音着实是太过认识,乃至认识到在他发出第一个音节的时间她就已经认出他了。 她想用力摆脱,这男子却是使了蛮力,狠狠将她一抱,“我知道你恨我,媳妇儿,但是这回我是真的,我真爱你,你就信我这一回,成吗?” 曲婉婉怒不可遏,用力摆脱开他捂在本身唇前的手,“厉冥皓你这臭地痞,你还学会爬墙了!” “是,我爬墙。”他赶忙认可错误道:“媳妇儿,为了你,我腿还没好,刚才上来的时间没蹬稳,拌了一下,差点就掉下去了,到如今……哎哟,疼……” 他这一叫她方想起来他腿伤的事变。 赶忙旋身过来,告急地想去检察他的腿伤,却在打仗到他促狭的笑意时,整个人囧得很不能一头撞死算了。 “你……” 一怒转身,再不去看他了。 厉冥皓却笑呵呵地又往前拱了拱道:“瞥见你告急我可真好,自从我妈去世以后,已经好久没人像你如许在乎我了……” 他的声音轻轻的,仿佛只是说给本身听一样平常,寂静在她的耳边响起。 曲婉婉听得心下一软,可还是过不了本身内心那关,“周宁实在也很爱你在乎你……” 他从死后拱了她一下,立时将她打断:“那你呢?我认可本身当初得到你的时间利用的本领并不但彩,但是这些日子,我以为你已经明确了我的至心。” “厉冥皓,你知道我这辈子最悔恨什么?我最悔恨的就是小三。大概你不知道,在我爸跟我妈完婚之前,我爸早就已经有了一段婚姻,厥后他们的关系也是由于别的小三给粉碎的。另有我哥跟我嫂嫂,当年我嫂嫂执意要喜好我哥的时间,也曾为‘小三’两个字痛楚不堪。” 厉冥皓一怔,“那是他们的事变,与我们无关,我跟周宁已经都说清晰了,而她也已经在她爸妈的安排下文定并预备完婚了。假如你是介怀她的话,那大可不必……” 她一哭,他就从死后箍住她的身子道:“我知道你恨我,但是将来咱们另有这么长的时间,只要你乐意给我时间,我可以向你证实,我爱你的事变绝对不是骗你的。大概小时间发生的事变对于你来说没有什么,你也从来没有怎么去在意。但是对于我来说,那些可以或许被我影象在生命里的人,都是值得我用一生去追寻的。” “婉婉,我爱你。爱到连我本身都未曾想过,在我妈脱离人间以后,我会再信赖这个天下上另有所谓的爱情。我再遇见你的时间,你已经是嘉轩的女朋侪,你在我还没来得及找到你、寻求你的时间,你就已经是别的男子的了。你要我怎么办?大大方方地认可你们之间的关系?歉仄,我从来都不是那样的人。我也只信赖本身,是这世上唯一可以给你幸福的人。” 曲婉婉哽咽得说不出话来,胃里难熬的感情恰好涌了上来,原来压抑在她死后的男子已经快速起家,取了纸袋过来,递到她的唇边。 到如今有身五月有余,她吐逆的弊端却不停不见好转。 吐得眼泪都流了下来,厉冥皓便赶忙拍着她的后背道:“媳妇儿,我知道,大概你如今还不爱我,但是,假如你也不计划再同嘉轩一起的话,思量一下我怎么样?” “你再说!” 她红着眼睛仰头看他,就见这男子无比老实隧道:“真的,媳妇儿,只要你乐意嫁给我,想要我怎样都行。你看,你有身难熬,我可以端茶倒水地在旁边奉养着,你要出门,我还可以给你当个司机,你心情欠好,我也能当个沙包给你暴打一顿不是吗?以后咱儿子要是出世了,我还能跪在地上给他当马骑。” 曲婉婉越想越是委曲,越委曲越惆怅,索性呜咽了一声,哇一声哭了出来。 “哎呀,别哭,别哭。你要是不喜好儿子,那咱生一闺女吧!生一个像你一样水灵的闺女,以后谁要是敢打她主意,我就拿着跟棍棒等在咱家门口,见一个打一个,见两个打一双,绝对没有人敢欺凌你们母女。” 曲婉婉这一哭,抬手就去打他,“你还说!你还说!你从来都只知道欺凌我,你就知道欺凌我啊!” 她一打他他就使了蛮劲将她抱在怀里,“那你捶死我算了,媳妇儿乖,要是儿后代儿你都不喜好,那咱生一对龙凤胎吧!” “谁要给你生孩子了,我的孩子跟你有什么关系啊!” 他虎着脸道:“那跟谁另有关系啊?曲婉婉你就认了吧!这辈子你就只能是我厉冥皓的媳妇儿了!” 效果,厉冥皓照旧以着他的诚意和臭无赖的品德,乐成将曲婉婉娶到了手。 就在a市海边举行的婚礼,由于曲婉婉的肚子已经渐大了,只是两家人在一起见证了这一时候,便算礼成,两边都迫切火燎地照顾曲婉婉的身子,时候预备好欢迎小生命的到来。 当年九月的时间,不外是刚刚入秋的时节,曲婉婉就被厉家送进了本市最好的国际医院待产。 果然不出所料,恰好就生出一男一女一对龙凤胎。 厉冥皓的挚友多数到了医院庆贺,见了两个还皱巴巴地孩子就夸:“你小子也太好运了吧!如许都能生一对啊!” 厉冥皓就特不要脸地说:“怎么着,哥的战斗力强只能妒忌死你。” 曲婉婉生完孩子,曲耀阳跟裴淼心带着两个孩子来险些天天都来看,有时间是芽芽,有时间是思羽,两个小家伙眨巴着灵活的大眼睛望着摇篮床里的两个小东西,一阵阵地惊讶。 曲耀阳跟裴淼心笑着,一个人揽过一个道:“以后那就是你们的小弟弟跟小妹妹,等他们会走路了,做哥哥姐姐的可要照顾好他们啊!” 两个小家伙不谋而合所在了颔首,一屋子的人便笑闹着,很快就到曲婉婉出院预备回家做月子的时间。 厉家的司机开了车来接,厉夫人让早就约请的育婴师一人一个将两孩子一抱,正预备让人来搀扶曲婉婉的时间,却见厉冥皓已经弯身,直接打横将她抱起来向外走去。 “你放我下来。”当着这么多亲朋的面如许,曲婉婉只以为红了容颜。 但是厉冥皓却并不为之所动,直接如许抱了她上车,到了厉家,又原样抱着她回家。 这次回的,再不是厉家那间又大又深的宅子,而是直接换到了厉冥皓位于丰园路半山公馆的高级公寓。 这间公寓从前曲婉婉来过,当时候她与他的关系刚刚开始,他每次给她打电话,来的都是这里。 但是现下,他们却要在这里开始生存。 由于生了孩子的关系,曲婉婉在家里坐月子的期间,厉家的那些尊长断断续续来过,尤其是厉冥皓的爷爷,看着两个孩子欢乐得,就地就送了两栋位于西郊的别墅给两个孩子。 曲婉婉受惊得不可,立刻摆手道:“爷爷,不消了,宛熙和宛思年龄都还那么小,您送云云大谦逊我们怎么美意思。” 当时候两个人的小公寓里正坐满了厉家的几位尊长,一人手里抱着一个小家伙在哄,闻声曲婉婉的话便道:“拿着,别说是这两栋西郊的别墅了,就是冥皓他爸什么时间玩够了,玩死了,他那产业也都必须留给我的曾孙子和曾孙女。” 如许一说,自从她生了孩子之后,厉冥皓的父亲认真一次都没有出现过。 听说是当年他的母亲身杀身亡以后,厉爷爷牵头,家中的几位尊长做主,逼迫他的父亲娶了多少有些亲族关系的如今的母亲进门,只为了让后者好好照顾他长大。 以是这么些年来,厉冥皓同这位后母的感情不停都极好,但是关于他的父亲,包罗他本身在内,家中的尊长谁都不肯意提起。 曲婉婉正以为尴尬,厉冥皓已经争先抱过女儿道:“好了,思思困了,我抱我闺女进屋苏息,爷爷您也快走吧!你们这么多人,我家可坐不下。另有,您送给我儿后代儿那别墅,在西郊,那得多远啊!别说他们如今不会走路,就算会走路也走不外去,百日的时间您再给我搭俩车就符合了。” 厉爷爷一拍大腿道:“臭小子,都算计到你爷爷头上了!” 厉冥皓笑呵呵地抱着女儿又去逗儿子,“那可不,如今我当爹了,每一分钱都得算计着话,否则怎么够养孩子。” 祖孙俩本是打趣的对话,立时就引来屋子里其他人的笑声,都说这当了爹的人是不一样了,懂事了,发展了,也会过日子了。 裴淼心过来静静拉了曲婉婉的手道:“不管怎么说,你们如今也算是正当夫妻了,以后只当好好地过日子就是,万一他要是欺凌了你,不方便跟你哥哥说的时间就给我打电话好吗?” 曲婉婉点了颔首道:“嫂嫂你放心,厉冥皓他如今对我很好,更况且他如今全幅心思都在照顾孩子身上,哪偶然间欺凌我?我都想好了,既然嫁给了他,不管从前他是什么容貌,以后,我都想像你跟我哥如许,放下全部的偏见和误解,这么幸福就好。”Jobs said that his appreciation for Eichler homes instilled in him a passion for making nicely designed products for the mass market. “I love it when you can bring really great design and simple capability to something that doesn’t cost much,” he said as he pointed out the clean elegance of the houses. “It was the original vision for Apple. That’s what we tried to do with the first Mac. That’s what we did with the iPod.”Across the street from the Jobs family lived a man who had become successful as a real estate agent. “He wasn’t that bright,” Jobs recalled, “but he seemed to be making a fortune. So my dad thought, ‘I can do that.’ He worked so hard, I remember. He took these night classes, passed the license test, and got into real estate. Then the bottom fell out of the market.” As a result, the family found itself financially strapped for a year or so while Steve was in elementary school. His mother took a job as a bookkeeper for Varian Associates, a company that made scientific instruments, and they took out a second mortgage. One day his fourth-grade teacher asked him, “What is it you don’t understand about the universe?” Jobs replied, “I don’t understand why all of a sudden my dad is so broke.” He was proud that his father never adopted a servile attitude or slick style that may have made him a better salesman. “You had to suck up to people to sell real estate, and he wasn’t good at that and it wasn’t in his nature. I admired him for that.” Paul Jobs went back to being a mechanic.His father was calm and gentle, traits that his son later praised more than emulated. He was also resolute. Jobs described one example:Nearby was an engineer who was working at Westinghouse. He was a single guy, beatnik type. He had a girlfriend. She would babysit me sometimes. Both my parents worked, so I would come here right after school for a couple of hours. He would get drunk and hit her a couple of times. She came over one night, scared out of her wits, and he came over drunk, and my dad stood him down—saying “She’s here, but you’re not coming in.” He stood right there. We like to think everything was idyllic in the 1950s, but this guy was one of those engineers who had messed-up lives.What made the neighborhood different from the thousands of other spindly-tree subdivisions across America was that even the ne’er-do-wells tended to be engineers. “When we moved here, there were apricot and plum orchards on all of these corners,” Jobs recalled. “But it was beginning to boom because of military investment.” He soaked up the history of the valley and developed a yearning to play his own role. Edwin Land of Polaroid later told him about being asked by Eisenhower to help build the U-2 spy plane cameras to see how real the Soviet threat was. The film was dropped in canisters and returned to the NASA Ames Research Center in Sunnyvale, not far from where Jobs lived. “The first computer terminal I ever saw was when my dad brought me to the Ames Center,” he said. “I fell totally in love with it.”Other defense contractors sprouted nearby during the 1950s. The Lockheed Missiles and Space Division, which built submarine-launched ballistic missiles, was founded in 1956 next to the NASA Center; by the time Jobs moved to the area four years later, it employed twenty thousand people. A few hundred yards away, Westinghouse built facilities that produced tubes and electrical transformers for the missile systems. “You had all these military companies on the cutting edge,” he recalled. “It was mysterious and high-tech and made living here very exciting.”In the wake of the defense industries there arose a booming economy based on technology. Its roots stretched back to 1938, when David Packard and his new wife moved into a house in Palo Alto that had a shed where his friend Bill Hewlett was soon ensconced. The house had a garage—an appendage that would prove both useful and iconic in the valley—in which they tinkered around until they had their first product, an audio oscillator. By the 1950s, Hewlett-Packard was a fast-growing company making technical instruments.Fortunately there was a place nearby for entrepreneurs who had outgrown their garages. In a move that would help transform the area into the cradle of the tech revolution, Stanford University’s dean of engineering, Frederick Terman, created a seven-hundred-acre industrial park on university land for private companies that could commercialize the ideas of his students. Its first tenant was Varian Associates, where Clara Jobs worked. “Terman came up with this great idea that did more than anything to cause the tech industry to grow up here,” Jobs said. By the time Jobs was ten, HP had nine thousand employees and was the blue-chip company where every engineer seeking financial stability wanted to work.The most important technology for the region’s growth was, of course, the semiconductor. William Shockley, who had been one of the inventors of the transistor at Bell Labs in New Jersey, moved out to Mountain View and, in 1956, started a company to build transistors using silicon rather than the more expensive germanium that was then commonly used. But Shockley became increasingly erratic and abandoned his silicon transistor project, which led eight of his engineers—most notably Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore—to break away to form Fairchild Semiconductor. That company grew to twelve thousand employees, but it fragmented in 1968, when Noyce lost a power struggle to become CEO. He took Gordon Moore and founded a company that they called Integrated Electronics Corporation, which they soon smartly abbreviated to Intel. Their third employee was Andrew Grove, who later would grow the company by shifting its focus from memory chips to microprocessors. Within a few years there would be more than fifty companies in the area making semiconductors.The exponential growth of this industry was correlated with the phenomenon famously discovered by Moore, who in 1965 drew a graph of the speed of integrated circuits, based on the number of transistors that could be placed on a chip, and showed that it doubled about every two years, a trajectory that could be expected to continue. This was reaffirmed in 1971, when Intel was able to etch a complete central processing unit onto one chip, the Intel 4004, which was dubbed a “microprocessor.” Moore’s Law has held generally true to this day, and its reliable projection of performance to price allowed two generations of young entrepreneurs, including Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, to create cost projections for their forward-leaning products.The chip industry gave the region a new name when Don Hoefler, a columnist for the weekly trade paper Electronic News, began a series in January 1971 entitled “Silicon Valley USA.” The forty-mile Santa Clara Valley, which stretches from South San Francisco through Palo Alto to San Jose, has as its commercial backbone El Camino Real, the royal road that once connected California’s twenty-one mission churches and is now a bustling avenue that connects companies and startups accounting for a third of the venture capital investment in the United States each year. “Growing up, I got inspired by the history of the place,” Jobs said. “That made me want to be a part of it.”Like most kids, he became infused with the passions of the grown-ups around him. “Most of the dads in the neighborhood did really neat stuff, like photovoltaics and batteries and radar,” Jobs recalled. “I grew up in awe of that stuff and asking people about it.” The most important of these neighbors, Larry Lang, lived seven doors away. “He was my model of what an HP engineer was supposed to be: a big ham radio operator, hard-core electronics guy,” Jobs recalled. “He would bring me stuff to play with.” As we walked up to Lang’s old house, Jobs pointed to the driveway. “He took a carbon microphone and a battery and a speaker, and he put it on this driveway. He had me talk into the carbon mike and it amplified out of the speaker.” Jobs had been taught by his father that microphones always required an electronic amplifier. “So I raced home, and I told my dad that he was wrong.”“No, it needs an amplifier,” his father assured him. When Steve protested otherwise, his father said he was crazy. “It can’t work without an amplifier. There’s some trick.”“I kept saying no to my dad, telling him he had to see it, and finally he actually walked down with me and saw it. And he said, ‘Well I’ll be a bat out of hell.’”Jobs recalled the incident vividly because it was his first realization that his father did not know everything. Then a more disconcerting discovery began to dawn on him: He was smarter than his parents. He had always admired his father’s competence and savvy. “He was not an educated man, but I had always thought he was pretty damn smart. He didn’t read much, but he could do a lot. Almost everything mechanical, he could figure it out.” Yet the carbon microphone incident, Jobs said, began a jarring process of realizing that he was in fact more clever and quick than his parents. “It was a very big moment that’s burned into my mind. When I realized that I was smarter than my parents, I felt tremendous shame for having thought that. I will never forget that moment.” This discovery, he later told friends, along with the fact that he was adopted, made him feel apart—detached and separate—from both his family and the world.Another layer of awareness occurred soon after. Not only did he discover that he was brighter than his parents, but he discovered that they knew this. Paul and Clara Jobs were loving parents, and they were willing to adapt their lives to suit a son who was very smart—and also willful. They would go to great lengths to accommodate him. And soon Steve discovered this fact as well. “Both my parents got me. They felt a lot of responsibility once they sensed that I was special. They found ways to keep feeding me stuff and putting me in better schools. They were willing to defer to my needs.”So he grew up not only with a sense of having once been abandoned, but also with a sense that he was special. In his own mind, that was more important in the formation of his personality.SchoolEven before Jobs started elementary school, his mother had taught him how to read. This, however, led to some problems once he got to school. “I was kind of bored for the first few years,

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        style="margin-bottom: 10px; white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 1.5em;"style="margin-bottom: 10px; white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 1steps, you're closer to your goal than you were yesterday. 我们能做的只是拼尽尽力,纵然迈出的步子再小,也比昨天要更靠近本身的目的。51. A smile is the shortest distance between two people. 微笑是人与人之间最短的间隔。52. Do or do not. There is no try. 要么做,要么滚!没有试试看这一说。53. Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow. 勇气就是虽感恐惊,但仍会前行。54. A man can be destroyed but not defeated. 人可以被扑灭,但不可以被打败。55. A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery while on a detour. 真正快乐的人是那种在走弯路时也不忘享受风景的人。56. No dream is too big, and no dreamer is too small.空想再大也不嫌大,追梦的人再小也不嫌小。57. It doesn't matter how many times you fail. What matters is how many times you stand up and try again. 失败多少次不紧张,紧张的是你能重新站起来多少次,而且继承前行。58. Silence is the most powerful cry. 缄默沉静是最有力的叫嚣。《漂亮人生》59. A little consideration, a little thought for others makes all the difference. 一点点体贴,一点点为他人着想,会让统统都不一样。60. Stop waiting for things to happen.Go out and make them happen. 别指望事变会天然发生,举措起来,让它们酿成大概!61. Don't look forward to tomorrow, don't miss yesterday, to grasp today. 不向往来日诰日,不留念昨天,只把握本日。62. Now we don't call it alive. It's just not to die. 我们如今不叫在世,这只是没有死去。《疯狂原始人》63. You can change your life if you want to. Sometimes you have to be hard on yourself, but you can change it completely. 有志者事竟成。偶然虽劳其筋骨,但运气可以彻底改变。《唐顿庄园》64. Time will bring a surprise, if you believe. 时间会带来惊喜,假如你信赖的话。《浮生物语》65. What others think is not important . How you feel about yourself is all that matters. 别人怎么想并不紧张,你怎么看本身才是关键。66. Don't cry because it is over,smile because it happened. 不要由于竣事而哭泣,微笑吧,由于你曾经拥有。67. Tomorrow is never clear. Our time is here. 来日诰日是未知的,我们照旧享受现在吧!《摇滚夏令营》68. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.生存要么大胆实验,要么什么都不是。69. Pursue excellence and success will follow. 寻求杰出,乐成天然来。《三傻大闹宝莱坞》70. Climb mountains not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world. 爬上山顶并不是为了让全天下看到你,而是让你看到整个天下。71. Every step towards your dream today is a step away from your regret tomorrow. 本日为空想所付出的每一份积极都会淘汰嫡的一份悔恨。72. It's never too late to be what you might have been. 大胆做本身,永久都不迟。(乔治·艾略特)73. It's time to start living the life you've imagined.是时间开始过本身想要的生存了!95. How can men succumb to force? 男子怎么能屈服于“武力”之下?《海贼王》96. Life is like live TV show. There is no rehearsal. 人生没有彩排,只有现场直播。97. Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman.穿着破旧,人们记着衣服;穿着无瑕,人们则记着衣服里的女人。(Coco Chanel)98. Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies. 盼望是一件功德,大概是人间至善,而优美的事永不消失。《肖申克的救赎》99. There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy.有太多太多优美的来由让你笑对生存。100. Where the more different you are, the better. 你们之间越是差别,越好。(Glee)101. I'm only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble. 我只在须要时才大胆,大胆并不代表你要随处肇事。《狮子王》102. Behind every successful man there's a lot of unsuccessful years. 每个牛B的乐成者都履历过苦B的光阴。(鲍博.布朗)103. If you want something done, do it yourself. 靠谁都不如靠本身。《第五元素》104. Life is a wonderful journey. Make it your journey and not someone else's. 生命是一段出色路程,要活的有本身的样子,而不是别人的影子。105. No matter how many mistakes you make or how slowly you progress, you are already ahead of those who never tried. 无论你犯了多少错,大概进步得有多慢,你都走在了那些未曾实验的人的前面。106. Some things are so important that they force us to overcome our fears. 总有些更紧张的事变,赋予我们打败恐惊的勇气。107. Say to yourself: "No matter how many obstacles I encounter in life, I will do all that I can to complete the whole course." 请对本身说:无论生存之路上会碰到多少停滞,我会竭尽所能地跑完这一程。108. No cross, no crown. 不履历风雨,怎么见彩虹。109. Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value. 与其积极乐成,不如积极成为有代价的人。(爱因斯坦)110. Remember when life's path is steep to keep your mind even. 记着:当人生很苦逼的时间,你要保持淡定。111. If you're brave enough to say GOODBYE, life will reward you with a new HELLO. 只要你大胆地说出再见,生存肯定会给你一个新的开始。112. Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one.对的那条路,每每不是最好走的。113. Just trust yourself, then you will know how to live.只要信赖本身,你就会懂得怎样去生存。114. In life it's not where you go. It's who you travel with. 生掷中,紧张的不是你去那里,而是与谁偕行。115. Life is like a rainbow. You don't always know what's on the other side, but you know it's there.生存像一道彩虹,你不知道另一端通向那里,但你会知道,它总是在那边。116. When the world says,"Give up!"Hope whispers,"Try it one more time." 当全天下都在说“放弃”的时间,盼望却在耳边轻轻地说:“再试一次吧”!117. I don't care about other questions and I just try to be myself. 我不在乎别人的质疑,我只会做好本身。118. Attempt doesn't necessarily bring success, but giving up definitely leads to failure. 积极不肯定乐成,但放弃肯定失败!119. The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. 对来日诰日最好的预备就是本日做到最好。120. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. 你已经一无全部,没有什么原理不顺心而为。(乔布斯)121. Life is a journey, one that is much better traveled with a companion by our side. 人生是一场路程,我们最好结随同行。122. Sometimes you have to fall before you can fly. 有时间,你得先跌下去,才气飞起来。123. If you are able to appreciate beauty in the ordinary, your life will be more vibrant. 假如你擅于欣赏平常中的优美,你的生存会更加多姿多彩。124. Be who you are, and never ever apologize for that! 对峙做本身,并永久不要为此而悔恨!125. Consider the bad times as down payment for the good times. Hang in there. 把苦日子当做好日子的首付,对峙就是胜利!126. Do not pray for easy lives, pray to be stronger. 与其祈求生存平庸点,还不如祈求本身强盛点。127. Everybody can fly without wings when they hold on to their dreams. 对峙本身的空想,纵然没有翅膀也能飞翔。128. There is no such thing as a great talent without great will power. 没有巨大的意志力,便没有雄才大抵。129. You can't change your situation. The only thing that you can change is how you choose to deal with it. 境罹难以改变,你能改变的唯有面临它时的态度。130. Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.凡是值得做的事,就值得做好。131. Perfection is not just about control.It's also about letting go. 完善不但在于控制,也在于开释。 《黑天鹅》132. Dream is what makes you happy, even when you are just trying. 空想就是一种让你感到对峙就是幸福的东西。133. Never frown,because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 别愁云满面,由于你不知道谁会爱上你的笑脸。134. It's easy once you know how. 一旦你明确,就会很简朴。135. In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different. 要做到不可替换,就要与众差别。136. I honestly think it is better to be a failure at something you love than to be a success at something you hate. 甘心失败地做你爱做的事变,也不要乐成地做你恨做的事变。(George Burns)137. Don't hide. Run! You'll make it to tomorrow. 别躲避,奔驰吧,你就会找到来日诰日。138. Life comes with many challenges.The ones that should not scare us are the ones we can take on and take control of. 生存布满了挑衅,唯有大胆面临并自我掌控,我们才气降服恐惊。(安吉丽娜·朱莉)139. Life doesn't just happen to you; you receive everything in your life based on what you've giv.5em;"style="margin-bottom: 10px; white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 1.5em;"style="mastyle="margin-bottom: 10px; white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 1.5em;"style="margin-bottom: 10px; white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 1.5em;"style="margin-bottom: 10px; white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 1.5em;"style="margin-bottom: 10px; white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 1.5em;"style="margin-bottom: 10px; white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 1.5em;"style="margin-bottom: 10px; white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 1.5em;"style="margin-bottom: 10px; white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 1.5em;"style="margin-bottom: 10px; white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 1.5em;"style="margin-bottom: 10px; white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 1.5em;"style="margin-bottom: 10px; 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▲弗里兰 视频截图













































▲加拿大总理 特鲁多 视频截图



















  但紧随而来的是仇人的直射*炮骇人的声浪;“轰……”好像预推测了潜伏威胁的仇人早把对我外围阵地上服从的兄弟们威胁最大的M43 120mm直射*炮对准了二线,伴着八声冲天巨响,土削、碎石和着挂着火心的弹片四射开来,生生将一线堑壕和二线堑壕撕开了个大口子。猛然,平地里恰似炸响了数道惊雷,*同样随之似冰炮,连续麋集向着面积不到400平米的外线阵地倾向下百余记82mm*雨;急喘似的高射机枪声,炒豆似的重机枪声和着120mm*炮弹的炸响同时向成了一团。满天火雨似纷飞的火星似的疾射向二线火力阵地。刹那,颤动着,抽搐着的地面那声音就似乎是爆米花的随着不停悚人听闻,雨点落地似的‘噗、噗’声中,腾升起一股股刺鼻的硝烟,一粒粒爆炸四射的土壤和碎石头形成的厚厚一层灰蒙蒙的烟。后继而来的赤灼子弹就在这厚厚的灰烟里,肆无顾忌,横冲直撞起来,战友们匐在二线堑壕地面上,一时袒露在仇人骤雨般的攻似中,便似乎是怒海怒潮,风口浪尖,升沉不定的孤舟,随时都有颠覆的伤害。











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