

2019-2-18 07:05|发布者: 熊孩子|查看: 474|评论: 0

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摘要:插班学习韩怡美MayToday,theweatherisclearandcloudless.Afterbreakfast,wesetfootontheroadoflearning.ThelectureincludedareviewofeachregionofCanadaandaquiz.WereadthedetailsfromAlbertaandpracticedreadingand ... ...


韩怡美 May

Today, the weather is clear and cloudless. After breakfast, we set foot on the road of learning.

The lecture included a review of each region of Canada and a quiz. We read the details from Alberta and practiced reading and writing about Alberta. Then we learned about the winter wear in English, and did a little game. The teacher treated us to cookies and juice during the break.

After the break, the teacher asked us to write down the questions we wanted to ask for an interview of Canadian students, and we all took an active part in it. 

Once again, we went to Jasper Junior Senior High School and everyone took various classes, such as archery, music, cooking... We are all very happy.  After the class, we went to a lot of stores under the guidance of the teacher, and saw a beautiful little sister, haha!

After dinner, we started outdoor activities, but today I don't know why, the GPS equipment brought by the activity teacher wasn’t working, so we do activities in the house. First we made put water into a container so it will become ice. Tomorrow we will make candle holders from the ice bowls and they look like crystal shells. We also made snow globes. I am very happy! We chatted for a while and then fell asleep.


  赵乙畅 Nancy 

Today, is a beautiful day. I climbed out of the warm bed, felt a bit cold, and I wanted to drill back into the warm bed. I looked out of the window and see it is a white snow outside. It is always cold, but today it is not so cold when I walked to the restaurant, this  is a beautiful day.

Of course, I began with a delicious breakfast, sweet fruit, delicious hamburger, milk with a little air conditioning, although the meal was not the same as like home but still I am very enjoy it.

The school bus came to take us to the ski resort. I was looking forward to go. When I got off the car, I felt a burst of air conditioning. I shrugged my shoulders and entered the lounge, changed to ski suit for my ski lessons. The ski coach taught us how to stop, and how to turn, and learn to go after the middle sideways. I sat down in the cable car to go up the mountain. From far you see all white snow and blue sky. I want to take out my cell phone to take pictures of  this beautiful scenery.

I placed in my pocket only two hundred Canadian dollars and it dropped out, I think one hundred dollar is equal to five hundred yuan, two hundred is one thousand. I bankrupted. Follow the pace of the teacher I was slipping down but I can't control it, so I stopped half way. I saw another classmate slipping down. He fell down, rolled and stopped. The teacher said I can slide down, I hit together with classmates, I turned over a few rolls,  and stopped.

After coming down, I remembered my 200 Canadian dollars and asked the teacher to help me pick them up. We found the money. Some classmates wanted to ski a lot but I didn't want to ski anymore. We changed back to our shoes, went to lunch at the resort, and went back to our camp for dinner. After dinner we went to Jasper to watch a movie at the theatre.


  吊唁 Winnie 

It was an early in the morning, the wind and snow were blowing furiously in our faces.

After breakfast, we took the school bus to two different schools, Edson and Hinton, to do interviews. Outside the window of the snow thick, pressure on the green branches, a snowflake like a jumping elf, naughty in the wind dancing.

After a 2.5 hour drive, we came to the first school in Edson, Named MARY BERGERON(Named after a teacher who taught in Edson in the 40s and 50s). Each of us was assigned a partner, who was a primary school student from grade five. They showed us around the school warmly. There were kindergartens and primary schools in their school. During a visit to the school, we had an interview with Canadian students, we asked a lot of things, and my partner is a boy ,he likes hockey and soccer, his name is Jake, he is very naughty, but he is very poor, he lived with his grandparents, only did not live together with their parents, he has a certain understanding of Chinese history, he likes China very much, would like to come to China to experience our study life, but at the same time I also told him that some of Chinese life, he also very much looking forward to. Their teachers are very open, very warm, their smiling face let us feel warm, like a beam of light to our hearts, our hearts the thick snow melted away. After visiting their school, we went back to the library. The teacher organized us to play two games. The first game was to throw the ball in order. Second one is like to grab a stool. After we had played these two interesting games, we ate our lunch and we said goodbyes to them.

In the afternoon, we went to Hingon's school it is called ECOLE MOUTAINVIEW, before we have been to the school, the other, so we are wearing they gave our clothes to go to this school, they are the students of grade seven, some students are shy, some students are very enthusiastic, some students are very talkative, I met a shy girl this time, her name is Melissa, she may be quiet, but gradually familiar with each other, we  knew each a lot. their home has four people, there are many pets, they are very happy, she likes Chinese very much, But she is not very understanding, so we gave a talk about China, we have talked a lot with other students about school, this let me know, they finish school early, work is done in the school, so there is no homework, many people want to come to China to study abroad, all feel that the school is very good, all their dreams is very pure, if they didn't finish the homework, the teacher will only let them repair back, or help them repair back, but because they leave to the school, so we ended the interview, returned to the camp, we rest for a long time, so everyone wrote his winter vacation homework.

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In the evening, we went to the school gym by bus. Some were playing badminton, some were playing basketball and some were resting. The gymnasium is very big, there is a place for sports equipment, there is a basketball court, badminton court, and even a hockey court, we do a lot of sports here, such as badminton, basketball, hockey, and even volleyball. I enjoy the time of sports very much, we are very happy.

I will remember a good time today, 

I believe tomorrow will be better.


 李晓楠 Nancy 

We wake up and see the outside is very beautiful, with white snow and beautiful scenery. We eat the delicious breakfast, then go to the classroom, walking against the wind and snow. 

Yesterday we interviewed grade 5 and grade 7 students, and today in class we summed up the answers from the grade 5 and grade 7 students about school and culture in Canada. Many people want to go to China to experience and taste the food there, look at the scenery there, and they also want to know our class time and about homework in China. They also think they're good at math, but in China, math is not a simple thing. Most of them stay together with my family during the holidays, and do activities like traveling, camping and swimming in the lakes outside. 

We had a break and start again for the second part of class. This part is very interesting, First, we need to think about what we know about animals in Canada. We had a listening activity, first we watched a video about Canadian bear, brown bear, black bears in the United States, the sun bear, panda, etc., and we answered questions to see what we understood. After we started making a lovely little bear, first to cut out the model, the joint after the little bear's face tight around it in sewing stuffed with cotton, although do the face, but overall is good. Then we had noodles and soup for lunch.

We go on the bus to visit a place of beautiful scenery. We personally experience the climb up the mountain, go on the bridge see deep into the canyon below. We see blue frozen water falls down and the snow just match here. When we walk  on the ice we can hear the voice of the small streams of water flow, we walked on a wooden bridge, we walked on ice flows in the past, we would see someone feel cool in the ice climbing, we are also try a small piece of the snapping icicles and  taste a sip of the sweet water. Along the way back the scenery is very beautiful. We saw the dog is very friendly, pine snow hanging down, shave is on your face which is the most beautiful moment.

In the evening, we made ice cream with snow, which was very delicious. After that, we went to sit by a fire in the tent called a “tipi” and ate cotton candy cooked in the fire. It was very delicious and crisp.



图片 | 加拿大游学小分队

笔墨 | 加拿大游学小分队

排版 | Lionwoody





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