
加拿大律界权威结缘Jingsh Canada | Hynek Zikovsky律师:用爱和尊重对待你的对手!

2020-11-18 12:36|发布者: 热点新闻|查看: 208|评论: 0

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摘要:开栏的话随着全球经济一体化的步伐逐渐加快,面对大量中国企业“走出去”和国际大所对国内法律服务市场的冲击,如何响应司法部“引进来,走出去”的号召,在国际化大潮中应势而为、脱颖而出,成为中国律所不得不持续 ... ...




video: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/readtemplate?t=pages/video_player_tmpl&action=mpvideo&auto=0&vid=wxv_1610678583637688324



从小就十分喜欢中国历史、中国文化和中国人的他,如今再度与中国结缘,成为Jingsh Canada的合伙人之一,继续在今后的路上与喜欢的中国人亲密接触。

因为缘分和性情相投,Hynek Zikovsky与付英律师成为了事业中的挚友。他们经常出席中加两国间重要的会议与活动,也和付英律师一起坚持不懈地推动两国之间的商贸关系。

如今他选择加入Jingsh Canada,十分期望通过中加两国的律师共同努力,促进两国之间的贸易、教育和文化关系。


我来做下自我介绍,我的名字是Hynek Zikovsky。







加中关系深厚而长久。我谨在此缅怀在内战期间医治了受伤中国共产党人的白求恩。在他去世时,毛泽东为他致了悼词。在中国和加拿大,人们至今还怀念白求恩。在蒙特利尔有白求恩的雕塑。1973年,现任总理的父亲皮埃尔·埃利奥特·特鲁多(Pierre Elliot Trudeau)是首批访问中国的西方领导人之一,也见到了毛泽东。

我很幸运地被Ying(英)邀请参加了在魁北克省的非常重要活动,如:特鲁多总理和李克强总理的官方正式招待会,  中国驻蒙特利尔总领馆的国庆庆典、和Ying(英)与加拿大中国贸易理事会举办的很多活动。




这就是为什么当Ying(英)提出在加拿大设立一家中国律师事务所的想法时,我和其他同事立刻看到了这个提议的好处。在这家律所里,中加两国的律师将共同努力,促进两国之间的贸易、教育和文化关系。这就是为什么我们与Ying(英)一起在魁北克省蒙特利尔市创立Jingsh Canada。我非常骄傲能成为联合创始人!


此外,由于Jingsh Canada的内部结构灵活,它将会扩展到加拿大的其他城市,并在此后扩展到美国。此外,魁北克省是加拿大最开放、最受欢迎的司法管辖区之一。魁北克省的官方政策是向外国企业开放其广阔和矿藏丰富的领土,并在财政和后勤上支持它们的发展。



Let me to introduce myself. My name is Hynek Zikovsky.

I am pleased to be able to speak to my colleagues in China thanks to my friend Ying Fu. I have had great admiration of China history, culture and people since my childhood. I was privileged to live in Beijing for five years with my parents. My father was the first secretary at the Czechoslovak Embassy and I was going to the Czech school every day across the Forbidden City. I even spoke fluently Chinese that I learnt by playing with Chinese kids, but unfortunately, I forgot all when our family returned to Prague. I witnessed incredible speed of transformation of China as I have visited your country on many occasions since 1990. I am certain that no country in the whole history of the world didn’t change and improved immensely life for of many people in such short time as China since 1990.

I am presently the Honorary consul of the Czech Republic for the Province of Quebec.

I studied first at the Prague faculty of law where I earned the Doctor of law degree in the International Public Law. After I moved to Canada, I studied at McGill Law School and graduated as B. of Civil Law and Common law. I am member of the Quebec Bar and the international member of the American Immigration Law Association.

I was fortunate to meet Ying  6 years ago and became friends fast as we share passion for history and culture of China. I was much impressed by Ying’s vast legal knowledge, her numerous legal publications, her work ethics and discipline, her curiosity and open mind as well as of her love of China and its people. I proposed my partners  to admit Ying to our law firm as Chinese law specialist and I am happy to have Ying with us.

I am much indebted to Ying for organizing working trip to China and for meetings with business people, bank representatives and number of law firms and attorneys in 2018.

We visited Beijing, Dalian, Hangzhou and Shanghai. I was impressed how well we were received in China, the respect all Ying’s friends and business and legal associates manifested her and the attention that they gave to her lectures. We discussed with our Chinese colleagues’ different legal concepts and practical solutions to complex legal matters and more and more I realised how true is Ying’s moto: you can resolve all issues if you treat people and your adversaries with love and respect.

Canada-China relations are deep and longstanding. I wish here to remember Dr. Norman Bethune who treated wounded Chinese communists during civil war and to whom President Mao dedicated eulogy. Dr. Bethune is remembered to this day in China and in Canada. We have a statute of Dr. Bethune in Montreal. Father of the present PM, Pierre Elliot Trudeau was among the first Western leaders to visit China in 1973 and met also President Mao.

I was fortunate of being invited by Ying to participate in very important events in Quebec e.g. the official reception on occasion of  meeting our PM Justin Trudeau and Chinese PM Li Keqiang,  receptions organized by the Consul general of China in Montreal on occasions of celebrations of Chinese National Day and many other events that Ying have organized with Canada-China Business Counsel.

I also like is Ying’s energy in promotion of exchange of Chinese law students with McGill University Law school, her relentless promotion of trade and business relations between the two countries.

We live in deeply divided world today. Some dark forces would like to force China into an isolation, restrict her access to international markets and limit China companies’ development or JV  in Canada.

Very frightening and dangerous rift in relations between the two previously very friendly countries happened when Canada arrested the VP Men Wanzhou of Huawei in Vancouver in Dec 2018 on request of USA.

We believe that we,  Canadian lawyers have means and responsibility to fight these trends.

That’s why when Ying came with an idea to establish in Canada a Chinese law firm where Canadian and Chinese lawyers would work together for promotion of trade, educational and cultural relations between the countries, I, as well as other colleagues, saw immediately the merit of the proposition. That’s how we came together to found together with Ying Jingsh Law Firm in Montreal, Quebec. I am quite proud of being among the co-founders of the Jingsh Law Canada!

Why we decided to establish the firm in Montreal, in Quebec if there are more of China diaspora in Toronto or Vancouver? Well, the answer is quite simple. Montreal and Quebec are truly bilingual and deeply respecting other cultures. Ying has been living between Montreal and Beijing for more than 9 years and has developed excellent support network in Montreal.

Also, Jingsh Law will be expanding into other cities across Canada and later into the USA as its internal structure is flexible. Moreover, Quebec is one of the most open and welcoming jurisdictions in Canada. Quebec’ official policy is to open its vast and mineral rich territories to foreign enterprises and support financially and logistically their development.

Together we can do miracles and that’s precisely what we will do.

Thank you for your attention.


Hynek Zikovsky



Hynek Zikovsky具有38年的从业经验。





他经常代表企业家和外国投资者(及其家庭)在联邦和省法庭出庭,并迅速获得签证和加拿大长期工作许可,以及在加拿大的永久居留权。在律所和业务关系的支持下, Hynek Zikovsky经常协助外国企业家收购或参股加拿大公司,并经常为投资者家庭申请加拿大永久居留权。

在Hynek Zikovsky担任加拿大Henley&Partners加拿大公司执行合伙人时,已获得有关高净值家庭(HNWF)国际人员流动项目的深厚知识,而该项目始终依求于他的专业知识。





Jingsh Canada律师事务所&京师蒙特利尔办公室于2020年7月完成重组,总部位于加拿大第二大城市蒙特利尔的中心城区——皇家山脚下2020,boulevard Robert-Bourassa。




| 打通中非“法律+商务”高速公路,京师非洲总部落户肯尼亚

| 进海外第十家!京师蒙特利尔办公室重组成立

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| 海外第八家!京师喀麦隆办公室获批成立

TEL: 021-66109999WEB: www.jingsh.comWEIBO: @京师上海国际总部ADDRESS: 上海市静安区恒丰路299号





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