加拿大Clausius Scientific Press出版社介绍:CSP (http://www.clausiuspress.com or http://www.clausiuspress.ca) is a scientific publisher aiming at serving the scientific community by providing researchers with the best environment to get their works published, referenced, read and cited. Our vision is to build up the powerful platform for our authors and readers, develop the best reputation of any journal in the publishing industry by collecting and publishing the high quality papers. CSP publishes peer-reviewed, high quality conference articles, journals and books, primarily in electronic format on the Internet but also in print and other media. 有同学问我们可不可靠?点这个推文看一下呗!逐梦分享|逐梦平台投稿SSCI、EI(JA)、EI(CA)、外文普刊等论文刊用榜(截至2021年3月2日) 常年征稿 | EI、Scopus、CPCI、SSCI、SCI、ESCI(附投稿方式) (约2个月左右更新一次,下次更新时间待定)至少我们帮助了一部分同学成功拿到了刊用。特别需要提醒的就是,期刊、国际会议尤其是上核心检索数据库的,咨询的人很多,版面有限,暂不能明确有版面回复的会下架处理。目前小逐梦还没开发什么小程序或者商店之类的,因此只能用这样的形式。有长期征稿的即常年不受收稿影响,随时可以投稿。 CNKI输入Clausius Scientific Press的文献来源,也是可以查到的。当然,出版社编辑也有提及,高质量的稿件更容易录用,每期刊登的数量较少,国内的检索较慢,国外的OA则在15天内完成。
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今天推荐的是:加拿大CSP出版社《Lecture Notes on Language and Literature》(语言文学讲义)。官方网站:https://clausiuspress.com/journal/LANGL/forAuthors.htmlISSN:2523-5869