我现在就可以上淘宝买一些维吾尔族劳动力。Well, I can get on Taobao right now, and I can buy some Uygur labor. 所以如果我们要讨论贩卖不自由的劳工,这是有据可查的,很容易找到,你可以购买不自由的劳工,并且其广告都是在军队监视之下。So, if we want to talk about the selling of unfree labor, this is well documented. It is easy to find, you can purchase unfree labour and it's advertised with military surveillance. 你可以去查,今天就能找到。You can look it up, you can find it today.
听到莱曼毫无根据的造谣,Carl Zha一针见血地戳穿他,让他立刻登录淘宝去搜一搜,看能否找到买卖新疆劳工的证据。 莱曼傻眼了,狡辩称,自己的电脑键盘输入不了中文。 于是,Carl Zha自己在网上搜对方所谓的证据,却看到有网页上写着“我司提供政府资助的新疆劳务派遣人员”,他表示,这和莱曼口中所说“在淘宝上订购一个维族劳工”完全不同。 Carl Zha让莱曼再来提供更充分的证据。然而,根本拿不出证据的莱曼只能弱弱地说:“那可能不是淘宝,可能是另外一个”。
It's probably not actually Taobao. There's another one.
你知道吗? 有趣的是:我见过其中一些人,他们没有选择。
You know what? Here's the funny thing: I've met some of them, they didn't have a choice.