As Trudeau went to get on the bus, which was surrounded by angry protesters, small objects could be seen thrown in his direction. A masked Trudeau looked startled before he went into the vehicle.
Observers say they don't see any centralized group driving the protests. Their organization is more ad hoc. The protests themselves feature a more palpable level of anger and the use of language more obscene than is typical of political protests.
对此,特鲁多表示,要以“同情心”来应对愤怒(to meet "anger with compassion")。 他认为,人们有权利对口罩和疫苗政策感到愤怒,但“这是他们强加给别人的选择”,这些抗议者正在“危及”其他人的生命。
Trudeau acknowledged people had a right to be angry about masks and vaccine mandates, but added, "It's a choice they're imposing on others," and said the protesters are "endangering" other people's lives.
是的,这个国家有一小部分边缘分子很愤怒,他们不相信科学,用种族主义和歧视女性的攻击进行抨击。但是他们并不能代表绝大多数加拿大人,我不会允许那些声音,那些特殊利益集团,那些抗议者——我甚至不想称他们为抗议者,那些反疫苗暴徒在国家如何度过这场大流行的问题上发号施令。"Yes, there is a small fringe element in this country that is angry, that doesn’t believe in science, that is lashing out with racist, misogynistic attacks," Trudeau said."But Canadians, the vast majority of Canadians, are not represented by them, and I know will not allow those voices, those special interest groups, those protesters — I don’t even want to call them protesters, those anti-vaxxer mobs — to dictate how this country gets through this pandemic."