

2021-11-19 21:24|发布者: 热点新闻|查看: 90|评论: 0

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摘要:加拿大政府认可中国疫苗:11月30日开始旅行无忧一大早,同行的各种信息:****************阿尔伯塔的宋老师信息:简单的说,就是在国内接种疫苗的学生,家长,旅行者,不管入境的目的,只要有签证即可直接入境加拿大 ... ...
加拿大政府认可中国疫苗:11月30日开始旅行无忧 一大早,同行的各种信息: ****************阿尔伯塔的宋老师信息: 简单的说,就是在国内接种疫苗的学生,家长,旅行者,不管入境的目的,只要有签证即可直接入境加拿大,而不需要隔离或申请豁免。只要注册了指定的两种中国国产疫苗,留学生入境加拿大可以直接乘坐加拿大境内航班,而无需隔离。 ****************多伦多的小李老师:奔走相告🥳,渥太华终于认可中国的国药和科兴疫苗,自2021年11月30日以后,完全注射以上两种疫苗的中国人,入境不需要隔离了,持旅游签证也可以来加拿大啦另外,移民局今天推特:自2022年1月15日起,国际留学生需要完全接种疫苗才能进入加拿大!意味着中国留学生如果不在明年1月14日之前入境,就必须要注射两针中国疫苗才能入境加拿大! ***************************************温哥华的移民顾问郑老师:终于来了,加拿大卫生部11月19日讯:从本月30日开始,完全接种国药和科兴疫苗的人群入境加拿大不再需要居家隔离,可正常入境。从加拿大去美国旅行,如果已经完全接种疫苗,并且离开加拿大不超过72小时的,也不再需要出示阴性报告,可正常出入。 *******************************************魁北克的Wendy老师: 加拿大公共卫生部宣布,从本月30日起,接种国药(Sinopharm)、科兴(Sinovac)和Covaxin疫苗的旅行者将被视为全面接种疫苗,完全接种以上疫苗并持有有效加拿大签证的游客入境加拿大将不再需要申请旅行豁免,并享受免隔离政策 *************************************************************************************https://travel.gc.ca/travel-covid/travel-restrictions/foreign-sept7-vaccine 

Government of Canada toaccept additional vaccines for travel


Starting November 30, 2021,03:01 AM EST, three additional COVID-19 vaccines approved for use by the WorldHealth Organization will be accepted for travel to and within Canada.

  • Sinopharm (also referred to as     Covilo)

  • Sinovac (also referred to as     Coronavac)

 Backgrounder https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/news/2021/11/adjustments-to-canadas-border-and-travel-measures.html

Adjustments to Canada’s border and travel measures

From: Public Health Agency of Canada



November19, 2021 Today, theGovernment of Canada announced upcomingadjustments to Canada’s border measures. This backgrounder provides additionalcontext to support travellers in understanding COVID-19 testing and vaccinerequirements, as well as other border measures, which are an important part ofCanada’s response to the global COVID-19 pandemic and serve to protect thehealth and safety of all Canadians. 

Expandedlist of accepted vaccines for the purpose of travel


EffectiveNovember 30, 2021, the Government of Canada will expand its list of acceptedvaccines for the purposes of entry into Canada and exemption from some testingand quarantine requirements. The list will include Sinopharm, Sinovac and COVAXIN, matchingthe World Health Organization (WHO) Emergency Use Listing (EUL). The EUL isan internationally recognized process to assess vaccines within an existingregulatory structure. The WHO uses the EUL to accelerate the availability ofmedical products needed in public health emergency situations. The process isbased on an expert review of available data on the quality, safety, andefficacy/immunogenicity/performance of each individual product. The COVID-19Vaccines Global Access (COVAX) also leverages the WHO EUL for its COVID-19vaccine portfolio. To beconsidered fully vaccinated, a traveller must have received the full series ofa vaccine—or combination of vaccines—accepted by theGovernment of Canada at least 14 days prior to entering Canada. Travellers canreceive their vaccine in any country, and must upload their proof of vaccination in English or Frenchinto ArriveCAN when travelling to Canada. If the proof of vaccination isnot in English or French, travellers must provide a certified translation inEnglish or French. Travellers must bring proof with them when they travel thatincludes text with the vaccinations and dates received. Travellers must alsocomply with all other measures under the OICs, including pre-entry testing(unless exempt) and a suitable quarantine plan. Where available, Canadians arestrongly encouraged to use the Canadian COVID-19proof of vaccination. Theexpanded list of COVID-19 vaccines and the definition of what is consideredfully vaccinated will also be applied to the national vaccination requirementsfor the federally regulated transportation sectors.





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