Family Day is celebrated on the 3rd Monday of February.
In 2022 Family Day is February 21.
Family Day is not a national statutory holiday, it is only observed in New Brunswick, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Saskatchewan and in British Columbia.
Other provinces have holidays in February on the same day but these holidays aren't called family day. In PEI Islander Day is celebrated on the 3rd Monday in February and in Manitoba the 3rd Monday in February is the Louis Riel Day holiday. In Nova Scotia this day is called Heritage Day.
Since this is not a federally established holiday all federal workers work on Family day including post office employees and public servants. (It's interesting how public servants don't complain about this in the comments area the same way private sector workers complain about having to work on Easter Monday when public servants have the day off.)
Family Day was originally created to give people time to spend with their families but it also provides a day off between New Years Day and Good Friday as they are approximately three months apart.
As mentioned above, unfortunately, not everyone gets Family Day off, which makes it a debatable holiday in many provinces. Why can't the whole country simple agree on 9 or 10 common statutory holidays remains a mystery and a good indicator of just how overcomplicated our laws are.
Common Family Day activities include skating, playing hockey, snowboarding/skiing and going to various winter festivals. But the best thing about Family Day must be beaver tails and stuffing ourselves silly with pancakes with maple syrup!
之后的节日是五月份的维多利亚日 Victoria Day。维多利亚日在每年5月25日之前的星期一,顾名思义,这个节日是纪念英国女王维多利亚的生日。虽然是全国性的节日,但在新不伦瑞克省、新斯科舍省、爱德华王子岛、纽芬兰省是非法定普通假期。 这个节日在很多人心目中非同一般,因为这个节日意味着夏天生活开始了。加拿大cottage文化很浓厚,经过漫长冬天,这个节日是人们拖家带口去自己的郊区木屋“开屋”的时机,为之后周末常来木屋度假打下基础。
圣诞之后就是新年 NEW YEAR'S DAY!新年之前人们往往要选好到哪里去跨年,大部分人都不会待在家里,这个一夜连双年的夜晚需要点仪式感,也需要一点热闹。疫情过后,跨年好去处非常多,在你家附近总能找到一个。这一天晚上地铁免费,鼓励人们不要开车,因为庆祝新年喝酒难以避免,另外庆祝场所停车也不易。跨年活动通常有美食、有音乐、有表演、还有烟花!在加拿大想看到people mountain people sea 不容易,但在跨年庆祝场所你会看到。
多伦多每年都有僵尸和万圣节游行 Toronto Zombie Walk & Halloween Parade。每年万圣节前夕,在多伦多City Hall前的Nathan Philips广场都会举办以僵尸和万圣节为主题的化妆游行。游行线路会穿过多伦多市中心最繁华地段。不过这个活动对胆量有点挑战,这些游行者的装扮着实吓人。
此外,多伦多圣诞老人游行 Toronto Santa Claus Parade也很有名。通常多伦多圣诞老人游行每年12月初举办,是一项历史悠久的节日游行。游行场面非常欢快,你可以看到各种圣诞花车。游行经过市中心最繁华地区。具体的时间和线路,因为每年可能会有变动,需要在其官方网站上查询。希望2022圣诞游行能够举办。