Currently, four routine tests are included in the immigration medical examination:
* urinalysis for applicants aged 5 or more;
* a chest X-ray for applicants aged 11 or more;
* syphilis serology for applicants aged 15 or more;
* an HIV test for applicants aged 15 or more, and for children who have received blood or blood products, who have a known HIV-positive mother or who may be adopted.
* 5岁以上的体检者必要查抄尿液(urinalysis)。
* 11岁以上体检者查抄胸部X片(chest X-ray)。
* 15岁以上体检者查抄梅毒血清(syphilis serology)。
* 15岁以上体检者必要查抄艾滋病毒(HIV),曾经担当过血液成品大概母亲HIV阳性的15岁以下儿童也必要查抄HIV。