

[就医英语] 加拿大妈妈需要掌握的怀孕生产相关的英文词汇

发表于 2014-2-16 22:30:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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妊娠试验: pregnacy test
hCG放免测定 radioimmunoassay for hCG
超声波检查 ultrasonography (ultrasound scanning)                    
B型超声波扫描 B-scan
超声波估价胎儿体重及成熟 ultrasonic estimation of fetal weight and maturity
超声波定位胎盘 ultrasonic localization of placenta
羊膜穿刺 amniocentesis
绒毛标本采取 chorionic villi sampling
染色体分析 chromosome analysis
胎儿镜检查 fetoscopy
胎儿镜 fetoscope
骨盆测量 pelvimetry
胎心监测 fetal heart monitoring
宫缩描记 tocograph
胎心基线 baseline fetal heart rate
可变性 variability
减速 deccleration
加速 acceleration
早减速 early deceleration
晚减速late deceleration
延长减速 prolonged deceleration
可变减速 varial deceleration
非应力试验 non stress test (NST)
催产素刺激试验 oxytocin challenge test (OCT)       转自:bbbear.ca
胎儿肺成熟度估价estimation of fetal lung maturity
卵磷脂/鞘磷脂比值 lecithin/sphimgomyelin ratio
羊膜镜检查 amnioscopy
羊膜镜 amnioscope
胎儿头皮血取样 fetal scalp blood sampling
血气分析 blood gas analysis

妇产科: Obstetrics & Gynecology
子宫: Uterus
子宫口: Cervix
阴道: Vagina
月经: Menstruation (Periods)
下腹部痛: Lower abdominal pain  转自:bbbear.ca
阴道分泌物: Vaginal Discharge
月经周期: Menstrual Cycle
月经痛: Dysmenorrhea转自:bbbear.ca
怀孕: Pregnancy
预产期: Date of delivery; Due date
害喜: Morning sickness
胎儿心音: Fetal Heart Sounds
流产: Miscarriage
堕胎: Abortion
破水: Membrane Rupture / Water broken
阵痛: Labor Pain
早期破水: Premature Rupture
腿抽筋: Leg Cramp
排卵: Ovulation
受精: Conception
着床: Implantation
胎儿: Fetus
胎动: Fetal Movement; Quickening
妊娠纹: Striations of Pregnancy (strech mark)
尿道炎: Urinary tract infection (缩写UTI)转自:bbbear.ca
蛋白尿症: Albuminuria
羊水过多: Polyhydramnion
胞状畸胎: Hydatid Mole
宫外孕: Ectopic Pregnancy
输卵管怀孕: Tubal Pregnancy
产道: Birth Canal
直肠检查: Rectal Examination
阴道检查: Internal (Vaginal) Examination
分娩: Delivery
子宫收缩: Contraction
会阴切开: Episiotomy
会阴缝合: Perineorrhaphy Stitch
产后: After Birth
脐带: Umbilical Cord
胎盘: Placenta
恶露: Lochia
早产: Premature Birth
死产: Still Birth
双胞胎: Twins
多胞胎: Multiple Birth
胎盘前置: Placenta Praevia
胎盘分离: Separation of the Placenta
盘卷脐带: Coiling of the Umbilical Cord
骨盆狭窄: Narrow Pelvic
会阴裂伤: Laceration of the Perineum
子宫破裂: Tubal Rupture
产褥热: Puerperal Fever
剖腹产: Caesarean Section
产钳助产: Forceps Delivery
母乳喂养: Breast Feeding
人工喂养: Bottle Feeding
初乳: Colostrum
新生儿: Newborn Baby
怀孕中毒症: Toxemia of Pregnancy
见红:The bloody show转自:bbbear.ca
开指:Dilation or Dilatation


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-16 22:42:24 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 宝宝哈哈 于 2014-2-17 14:46 编辑


产程发动:onset of labor  
产痛 labor pain
临产先兆 threatened labor
血先露 bloody show
破膜 rupature of membranes
生产 parturation
产程 parturient
初孕妇 primigravida
初产妇 primipara
经产妇 multipara
多产妇 grand multipara
胎先露 fetal presentation
胎位 fetal position
顶先露 vertex presentation
左枕前位 left occiput anterior(LOA)
右枕后位 right occiput posterior(ROP)
头浮 floating(head)
衔接/入盆 engagement
入盆 lightening/drop
先露部下降 descending of presenting part
先露部位置 station of presentation part
宫颈消失 effacement of cervix
宫颈扩张/开指 dilation of cervix
开指 finger tip
宫缩 uterine contraction
强度 intensity
持续时间 duration
间歇 interval  
第一产程 fitst stage of labor
第二产程 second stage of labor
第三产程 third stage of labor
潜伏期 latent phase
加速 acceleration phase
减速 deceleration phase
胎头俯曲 flexion of fetal head
胎头仰伸 extension of fetal head
内旋转 internal rotation
外旋转 external rotation
着冠 crowning
胎儿娩出 delivery of baby
胎盘娩出 delivery of placenta
阴道粘膜撕裂 laceration of vaginal mucosa
会阴撕裂 laceration of perineum
产后 postpartum
产褥期 puperium
恶露 lochia
血性恶露 bloody lochia
浆液性恶露 serous lochia
子宫复旧 involution of uterus
哺乳 lactation( breast feeding)
初乳 colostrum
退奶 suppression of lactation(wraning the milk)  
羊水渗漏 leakage
浮肿 Edema
子宫颈薄化 Effacement
催产,药物诱发阵痛 Induction
宫颈粘液栓Mucus plug


妊娠呕吐 nausea and vomitting of pregancy
妊娠剧吐 hyperemesis gravidarum
流产 abortion(miscarriage)
先兆流产 threatened abortion
难免流产 inevitable abortion
不全流产 incomplete abortion
稽留流产 missed abortion
感染流产 septic abortion
习惯流产 habitual abortion
宫颈机能不全 cervical incompetence
异位妊娠 ectopic pregnancy
宫外孕 extrauterine pregancy
输卵管妊娠 tubal pregancy
输卵管妊娠流产 tubal abortion
卵巢妊娠 ovarian pregancy
腹腔妊娠 abdominal pregancy
腹腔积血 hemoperitoneum
高危妊娠 high-risk pregancy
羊水过多 hydroamnious(polyamnious)
羊水过少 oligohydramnious
妊娠中毒症 toxemia of pregancy
妊高征 pregancy-induced hypertension(PIH)
妊娠高血压疾患 hypertensive disorders of pregancy
先兆子痫 pre-eclampsia
子痫 eclampsia
抽搐 convulsion
胎膜早破 premature rupture of membrane
早产 premature birth
宫内生长迟缓 intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR)
小于胎龄 small for gestational age (SGA)
大于胎龄 large for gestational age (LGA)
巨大儿 macrosomia
过期妊娠 prolonged pregancy
过期 overdue (postdate)
过熟 postmaturity
胎儿窘迫 fetal distress
胎心过缓 fetal bradycardia
胎心过速 fetal tachycardia
胎心心律不齐 fetal heart irrythmia
羊水粪染 meconium-staining amniotic fluid
胎死宫内 intrauterine death
骨盆狭窄 contracted pelvis
均小骨盆 generally contracted pelvis
扁平骨盆 flat pelvis
骨质软化骨盆 osteomalacic pelvis
漏斗骨盆 funnel pelvis

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-16 22:57:44 | 显示全部楼层
黄疸 : Icterus
生理性黄疸: physiologic jaundice
核黄疸 :nucleae jaundice (Kernicterus)
新生儿的: neonatal
出生体重: birth weight
前囱 :anterior fontanelle
后囱: posterior fontanelle
双顶径: biparietal diameter
枕下前囱径: suboccipital  bragmatic diameter
先锋头: caput succedaneum
胎头塑形: molding of fetal head
胎头血肿: cephallohematoma
脐带绕颈: cord around neck
脐带真结: true knot of umbilical cord
脐带假结: false knot of umbilical cord
脐疝: umbilical hernia
新生儿窒息: neonatal asphyxia
阿氏评分: Apgar scoring
紫绀 :cyanosis
新生儿复苏: resuscitation of newborn
气管内插管: endotrachael intubation
产伤 :birth injure
臂丛麻痹: brachial palsy
锁骨骨折: fracture of clavicle
肱骨骨折: fracture of humorus
颅内出血(脑出血 ): cerebral hemorrhage
颅骨骨折: fracture of skull
小脑幕撕裂: laceration of tentorium cerebelli
大脑镰撕裂: laceration of falx cerebri
胎粪吸入: meconium aspiration
吸入性肺炎: aspiration pneumonia
呼吸窘 迫综合征 : respiratory distress syndrom (RDS)
透明膜病: hyaline membrane disease (HMD)
肺不张: atelectasis
新生儿出血病: hemorrhagic disease of newborn
新生儿溶血症: hemolytic disease of newborn
高胆红素血症: hyperbilirubinemia
同族免疫: isoimmunization
血型不合: blood group incomaptibility
胎儿水肿: hydrops fetalis
光疗: phototherapy
交换输血: exchange transfusion
先天畸形: congenital anomaly (malformation)
脑积水: hydrocephalus
无脑儿: anencephalus
小头畸形: microcephalus
脊柱裂 :spina bifida
脑脊膜膨出: meningocele
兔唇: hare lip
腭裂:cleft palate
先天愚型: Down's syndrom

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发表于 2014-2-27 13:47:54 | 显示全部楼层
宝宝哈哈 发表于 2014-2-17 14:42

产程发动:onset of labor  

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